In the beginning no one among us tends to know the meaning of that word, “relationships.” None of us are interested to get to know what the meaning is. As time goes by and as we grow up and we all seem to get attracted to our opposite sex. That’s when all the excitement starts at the onset of puberty,(adolescence age) the age where we all start to grow up and mature either from being a young girl and into a woman or from a boy into a man.This is when all the physical changes take place and people start to notice and recognize them. Peer pressure start and influence get you doing thing that you would regret later only if you do them. Relationships have their ups and downs as we all know the advantages and disadvantages. Below is a list of some of the advantages and disadvantages of relationships.


1.You will always find comfort from your partner when always finding a shoulder to lean on when you are feeling so down or unhappy for whatever reason

2.You will always get advice on whatever decision you have to make. After all two heads are better than one.

3.There is and will always be a sense of purpose, responsibility and belonging because you have someone to love and love back. You now have someone to provide for and that results to responsibility.

4.You will be filled with moments of happiness and joy. The beautiful moments that you have and will share together will be memories to share forever.

5.You will feel protected when your husband or boyfriend is always there for you to defend you no matter what.

6.There is unity that bonds you together and it will result to shared responsibility.

7.There is satisfaction and that great feeling is what is most important in this life. Be in a relationship with a person that you really love and know that loves you back. You will be satisfied irregardless of whether you are both rich or poor….

8.Children are and will always be your pride and joy. Having a family will bring you children that are a blessing from God and they will be your pride and joy from the time time they are very tiny babies till they grow up to be successful and indepensent.


1.You must be prepared to provide and spend. Having little or no money will bring difficulties in your relationship because you will both have needs that you will need to cater for and without enough finances, you will not meet these needs.

2.You will need to provide time and invest time no matter how busy you might be especially in business ventures.

3.Promiscuity will lead to divorce and sexually transmitted diseases. This results to regrets as to why you started the relationship in the first place.

4.Bad-mouthing by outsiders who want to separate the both of you will at times occur when you are in your peaceful relationship at one point or another. But it is up to the both of you to stay strong together and believe in yourselves.

5. Jealousy and insecurity by one spouse will always lead to arguments that are always uncomfortable to have.

6.Unplanned pregnancy may land you into difficult financial situations when you fail to provide for all the children you have bared together.

All relationships have their ups and downs and it is perfectly normal when they happen.

The key to having a happy, long, peaceful and healthy relationship is to have each spouse respect each other and most importantly is to always solve the problems that may arise.

Remember that a relationship can lead to marriage and having a stable foundation is key to a successful marriage.

Do not hesitate to take the risk, because you never know what you are missing.

Always bare in mind that no matter the hurdles, try to solve them and don’t run away by divorcing your wife or husband. Stay strong and remember the good times and the beautiful memories. The quest may be perilleous but the reward is priceless.


1.How to conquer your spouse.

2.Fantastic ways to spice up your relationship.

3.Fun activities to do together in your relationship.

4.Romantic love poems and quotes.

5.Romantic destinations to visit together.

6.Find out why getting counselling before getting married is important.

7.The best way to solve problems in your relationship.

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